Welcome to Bella
Basic Equestrian Long Life App
Record your rides and training sessions!
Improve your riding skills!
Plan your training sessions with the help of AI.!
General functions
Recording of rides & training sessions on the field
AppleWatch support
Evaluations and analyzes of the training
Data sovereignty selectable (Apple HealthKit support can be deactivated)
Route, gaits, transitions, speed, duration are recorded.
Gaits, transitions and figures are recorded.
Improve the ease of riding and the athleticism of your horses.
Record all the data for all your horses and your horses' riders.
Improve the finesse of your aids with direct feedback from the app.
Train units tailored to you.
in development
in development
in development
in development
One-off 5€
One-off 5€
One-off 5€
One-off 5€
One-off 5€
90 € / year
10 € / month
One-off 5€
Pro+ version
120 € / year
15 € / month

Record your rides
Rides are recorded with real-time data. This includes transitions, turns and the route.
The rides can be provided with descriptions and ratings. This allows you to see your progress and document your movements. The most important data such as duration, distance, speed, gait distribution and transitions are recorded and can be used in the analysis.
Record your units on the pitch
All the options available for riding out can also be used for training sessions on the field. In addition, the figures ridden are recognized and recorded.
Functionality is under development

Analyze your progress
See your progress in your ease in the saddle and your endurance. But what is much more important is an overview of the fitness data of your horse(s) with which you can see the improvement in athleticism.
Several horses, several riders
All the data can be assigned to individual horses & riders and evaluated per horse & rider during the analysis. This way you can also see the progress of your riding participation and foster horses.
Functionality is under development

Audio Assistant
Receive real-time feedback on your unit and the figures ridden via audio. This allows you to continually improve your ease and accuracy. For example, make the transitions even smoother.
Functionality is under development
Personalized training
Plan your training sessions with the app and let the built-in artificial intelligence support you. It can suggest specific training sessions and content to increase your horse's fitness and athleticism. It places value on variety so that you also enjoy the training.
Functionality is under development